Outstanding Alumni Awards 2023: Celebration of Passion and Excellence
Nash Villena
December 14, 2023

Photographed by Aly Domingo
The annually celebrated Outstanding Alumni Awards event of Bulacan State University (BulSU) with the theme “Celebrating Alumni's Success and Service Through the Years" was attended by faculty members and alumni alike at Valencia Hall on Thursday morning, December 14.
Present at the program was University President Dr. Teody C. San Andres, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Edgardo M. Santos, Vice Chancellor for Instruction, Research, and Extension Dr. Cecilia A. Geronimo, and BulSU Federation of Alumni Associations President Dr. Rolando R. Gaspar.
Eleven prestigious awards were given to exemplary BulSU alumni who excelled and have made remarkable achievements in various fields namely in Military Service, Academic and Research, Community Empowerment, Science and Technology, Public Health Promotion, Media, Global Professional Practice and Service, Education, Culture and the Arts, Business Corporate Responsibility, and Entrepreneurship.
Mr. John Roniel Canimo, a College of Arts and Letters (CAL) graduate and the founding president of The BulSU Journalism Society (BulSU JournSoc), was among the eleven awardees at the event receiving the Community Empowerment Award.
“Here’s to the writers and who breathes life into words and the volunteers who selflessly contribute to our shared journey. This award is a testament to our collaborative spirit and I look forward to continuing this incredible adventure together”, said Canimo in his acceptance speech.

Photographed by Nash Villena
Furthermore, BulSU’s very own Short and Sweet Play Musical champion team also made an intermission number at the program after their recent triumph in this year’s Culture and the Arts Association of State Universities and Colleges - Region 3 (CAASUC III) last November.
The performed piece “Ang Teatro Magiting” was a period play written by coach Chris Dagsil and Coco Caparas both hailing from CAL.—OVERTURN